Ah the mischief! A friend early on warned me to make sure my boys had lots to study and engage their minds because a bored smart kid is a dangerous thing!
Oh yes. Genetics plays such a big part. Funny story. My husband and his brother were once playing in their parents house and (long story short) a glass door got broken. My boys were playing at Papa's house and Papa recognized the same game. He grabbed my oldest and stopped him. "Nope. Not going to have that happen again." It was hilarious to watch because he'd learned with his kids and recognized it in his grandkids. LOL
Ah the mischief! A friend early on warned me to make sure my boys had lots to study and engage their minds because a bored smart kid is a dangerous thing!
OhhhhhHHHHHHh yeah.
I, uh,...made sure to watch MY boys EXTRA close. Ya know, just in case it was in the genetics.
Oh yes. Genetics plays such a big part. Funny story. My husband and his brother were once playing in their parents house and (long story short) a glass door got broken. My boys were playing at Papa's house and Papa recognized the same game. He grabbed my oldest and stopped him. "Nope. Not going to have that happen again." It was hilarious to watch because he'd learned with his kids and recognized it in his grandkids. LOL
Hahaha,...I’ve done similar with my own grandkids.