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Simon is a good kid. At 17, he’s already impressive. Sometimes I think I’d like to be him when I grow up. I’m grateful he was here to chat with.
Lot’s of transitions going on in thew Buckley house, and a great deal of illness…including grandbabies in the hospital as I type this. These are challenges we’ve faced for years…but when it rains…
All the plans for episodes have been put on hold. I can’t get to anyone to talk to them, so I turned to Simon for help. He’s had a desire to participate on kidCLAN’s to talk to youth, so why not today? To make things interesting, I asked ChatGPT what kind of questions I could ask a 17 year old.
…then we lowered the difficulty to what I asked the 5 year olds.
Have a listen. Enjoy yourself. Leave your thoughts and questions in the comments section!
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