Being a Shield To Your Children
The more I pay attention, the more I question what my children are being exposed to.
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I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while because of the encroaching subjects I see in the media.
There are intellectuals and outspoken personalities on YouTube that I listen to. People who have what I believe are correct perspectives. On life, on various principles, such as controlling ourselves, self-discipline, and many other subjects that affect you and me in life.
The more I listen to the subjects they’re covering, it forces me to inspect the material they are combating. I have to look at the problems they are trying to solve.
It’s disturbing.
When did so many go bat-crap crazy?
What’s worse, is I can’t understand how some people come to the conclusions they do.
The more I pay attention, the more I question what my children are being exposed to.
What are they seeing when I’m not there?
What’s in the media they are partaking of?
How determined and devious is society becoming, and to what lengths will they go to influence my children?
Have you thought about this?
Not long ago, I listened to a podcast between Joe Rogan and Dr. Epstein, when they were talking about Google. This was a conversation that had to do with search results, and how it affects us as a society, as individuals, and our children. If you haven’t heard this podcast, I highly recommend it. Here is a link:
Joe Rogan, Episode #1768 - Dr. Robert Epstein
Are you a shield for your children?
This podcast triggered quite a few questions in my mind. It prompted me to reflect critically on myself and question my role as a father. I looked in the mirror, judging myself pretty harshly.
It’s not that I don’t try or strive to improve myself. It wasn’t even about the way that I raise my children. This made me question how effective I am.
I know if I bring up the subject of roles in a marriage, I’m going to get a lot of feedback. Society is rebelling against the ‘traditional’ family structure. Many are shouting “Down With Patriarchy!”
That’s fine.
I have the perspective that life doesn’t come with an instruction manual,…that’s why we have fathers.
I’m not asking for permission to HAVE a traditional family. So those fighting against a traditional family unit can stuff it. But talking about, and understanding our role as a parent, is important.
We should have this conversation regardless of the structure of your family.
This isn’t a talk about gender roles. It’s not a talk about what society thinks. We should talk about how parents work together in raising, guiding, and protecting children. Because they are yours.
Let me be really specific here, so you get my meaning.
Your children are YOURS.
YOUR children are not the governments. YOUR children do not belong to the church. YOUR children do not belong to your neighbors, or your community.
Your children are your own.
My wife and I have made our children. We chose to have them. She gave birth to them. We both love them, train them and provide for their every need. We are there when they need us. No one else can say that.
Not a single person.
So I can say with full confidence that they sure as hell don’t belong to Joe Biden.
Your children belong to YOU. My children belong to ME.
YOUR children are YOUR responsibility, MY children are MY responsibility.
Sounds simple, right? That’s because it is.
So Let Me Ask You:
Do you act like a parent/guardian?
Do you stand as a shield to protect and save the minds and hearts of your little ones?
Do you act as a filter against the lies and tainted perspectives being force-fed by the encroaching society around you?
Do you stand boldly as a champion for your teens when they need it most?
We often forget that life is not the same for everyone. Our capacities vary, as do our experiences and the lessons we learn. As parents, we have the PRIVILEGE AND HONOR to wade the battle against this world on behalf of our offspring to give them a head start.
To take that extra blow that could fell the best of us.
It doesn’t matter who you are or what you believe as an individual, YOUR children are still facing the same onslaughts as MY children. White, black, orange, christian, secular, heterosexual, gay, and even if you’re a frickin’ alien…
If you have children on this planet, they’re being affected.
Unfortunately, too many parents turn a cold shoulder to the plight of their offspring. I see this happen all around me day in and day out. What breaks my heart is that you can see the erosion of sweet innocence.
Don’t make that mistake with your children.
Yes, your children will make mistakes and choose paths other than the ones you point out for them. Some of these choices will be tremendous problems. It frustrates you; I understand. One of my own children made choices that stole years of our lives, thrust the entire family into despair and cost thousands of dollars in debt.
It’s never easy, I know.
Truth is: they’re likely following the example you set with your own parents.
Take a moment and consider it. See any patterns in your own life? Attitudes or choices look familiar?
No, this isn’t about you being a good or bad just happens more times than not.
Consider it poetic payback. You were allowed to learn life’s lessons to be a guide and savior to THEM.
So take a breath and remember: they’re WORTH it!!!
Ok world, you want to step on me? That’s fine, I can take it. Just know that when you pick on my kids, they won’t standalone. Not only do I have their gave me a hammer and taught me how to use it. go out there and raise a better generation.
Paid subscribers can comment, access the entire archive of this site, along with other stories, cartoons, exclusive podcast, and every article I’ve ever written. If you aren’t a paid subscriber, you can access the archive for free with a 7-day trial OR earn a paid membership by joining the referral program!
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BONUS: 25 DIY Project activity ideas for families
The weather is starting to change (at least where I live). If you’re struggling to find activities through rain OR shine, try some of the suggestions below. If you’d like the full list — including both low to no cost options and variations for special needs children, consider supporting kidCLANS by purchasing “Summer Survival Guide: 975 Ways to Keep the Kids Busy.” It’s only $5…and you’ll save 50 times that using our ideas over the summer =)
DIY Birdhouses: Build birdhouses using wood, nails, and paint. Hang them in your backyard and observe the birds that visit.
Homemade Playdough: Make your own playdough using flour, salt, water, and food coloring. Get creative and mold different shapes and figures.
DIY Terrarium: Create a mini indoor garden using a glass container, soil, rocks, and small plants. Watch your terrarium thrive and learn about plant care.
DIY Tie-Dye T-Shirts: Use fabric dyes to create unique tie-dye patterns on plain t-shirts. Experiment with different colors and techniques.
Upcycled Crafts: Repurpose household items like jars, bottles, or cardboard boxes to create new crafts such as pen holders, storage containers, or even homemade instruments.
DIY Bath Bombs: Mix baking soda, citric acid, essential oils, and food coloring to make fizzy bath bombs. Enjoy a relaxing bath and soothing scents.
Homemade Soap: Combine soap base, scents, and colors to make personalized soap bars. It's a fun and practical project that can be gifted as well.
DIY Picture Frames: Decorate plain picture frames with paint, beads, or other embellishments. Insert your favorite family photos for a personalized touch.
DIY Wind Chimes: Use recycled materials like old keys, shells, or bottle caps to create unique wind chimes. Hang them outside and enjoy the soothing sounds.
Homemade Candles: Melt candle wax and add fragrance oils or colors to create your own scented candles. Experiment with different shapes and sizes.
DIY Dreamcatchers: Craft dreamcatchers using hoops, yarn, feathers, and beads. Hang them above beds to catch dreams and add a decorative touch.
DIY Puzzles: Design and create your own puzzles using cardboard or thick paper. Draw or print an image, cut it into pieces, and challenge each other to solve it.
Homemade Slime: Mix glue, borax, and water to make stretchy and colorful slime. Explore different textures and add glitter or other fun elements.
DIY Lava Lamps: Create homemade lava lamps using oil, water, food coloring, and Alka-Seltzer tablets. Watch the mesmerizing blobs move up and down.
DIY Kaleidoscope: Construct a kaleidoscope using a cardboard tube, mirrors, and colorful beads. Discover the fascinating patterns created by reflections.
DIY Friendship Bracelets: Learn different knotting techniques to make colorful friendship bracelets using embroidery thread. Exchange them with friends or family members.
Homemade Suncatchers: Use translucent plastic or beads to create beautiful suncatchers. Hang them in windows and enjoy the colorful reflections.
DIY Paper Lanterns: Fold and decorate paper to create lanterns. Place battery-operated candles inside for a cozy ambiance.
DIY Magnetic Poetry: Make your own magnetic poetry set by printing words on magnetic sheets. Arrange them to create unique poems or stories on the fridge.
Homemade Musical Instruments: Craft simple musical instruments like shakers, drums, or guitars using recycled materials. Start a family band and make music together.
DIY Fabric Masks: Sew fabric masks using colorful fabrics and elastic bands. Decorate them with unique patterns or designs.
DIY Planters: Repurpose containers like tin cans, mason jars, or plastic bottles to create unique planters for herbs or small plants. Paint or decorate them for added flair.
Homemade Bath Salts: Mix Epsom salt, essential oils, and dried flowers to make fragrant bath salts. Relax and unwind during bath time.
DIY Wall Art: Get creative and paint or draw your own artwork on canvas or paper. Frame and hang them to add a personal touch to your home.
DIY Solar Oven: Build a solar oven using a cardboard box, aluminum foil, and plastic wrap. Cook simple meals using the power of the sun.Tell me about your last food-fun family activity!!